Release Notes
Release notes for the SettleMint platform.
Polygon Amoy
The beloved and widely used Mumbai testnet for Polygon PoS uses Ethereum Goerli testnet as its root chain. This means Mumbai counts on Goerli for block production. But Goerli is currently scheduled for deprecation, by the end of Q1 2024. The Amoy testnet for Polygon PoS is the replacement and has been launched, a new testnet that provides a low-stakes environment to build, test, and break things. Amoy will use Ethereum Sepolia testnet as the root (L1) chain. Developers deploying on Amoy can continue to count on the availability of essential validators, infra, faucets, tooling, and more, in a sustainable and future-proof environment. Now available in the SettleMint platform.
Any Mumbai nodes will cease to function in the near future, please migrate your applications as soon as possible.