Zeto Smart Contract Set
· 2 min read
We're excited to introduce the Zeto Smart Contract Set, bringing comprehensive zero-knowledge token capabilities to the SettleMint platform.
Token Types
Fungible Tokens
- Basic anonymous transfers
- Privacy-preserving transactions
- Standard fungible features
- Encrypted anonymous transfers
- Enhanced privacy features
- Encrypted transaction data
- Anonymous with nullifiers
- Prevents double-spending
- Transaction tracking without revealing details
- KYC-enabled anonymous transfers
- Regulatory compliance features
- Identity verification while maintaining privacy
- Encrypted transfers with nullifiers
- Combined encryption and tracking
- Maximum privacy with spending controls
- KYC-enabled encrypted transfers
- Full suite of privacy features
- Compliant with regulatory requirements
Non-Fungible Tokens
- Basic anonymous NFTs
- Private ownership
- Hidden transfer history
- NFTs with nullifiers
- Trackable unique assets
- Privacy-preserving ownership transfers
Zero-Knowledge DVP (Delivery vs Payment)
- Atomic swaps between any token types
- Private order matching
- Secure settlement verification
Testing, Deployment & Trusted Setup
- Fast test deployments with pre-configured environments
- Local development setup
- Production deployment helpers & MPC trusted setup guides
Subgraph Integration
Pre-configured subgraph templates for all contracts
Open Source Zeto Deployment
- Zeto smart contracts repository: github.com/settlemint/solidity-zeto