Blockchain guides/Hyperledger fabric

Network stats

Network stats

Consensus nodes (Active/Cluster size)

Shows the default-channel's number of orderer nodes that are currently active and the size of the cluster (the ordering service).

Latest block committed

Shows the latest block that was committed to the default-channel's ledger.

Peer stats

Ledger transactions/5m

Shows the number of transactions that have been committed to the ledger of the default-channel in a 5-minute window, displayed for the last hour.

Proposals received/5m

Shows the number of proposals that the default-channel has received in a 5-minute window, displayed for the last hour.

Successful proposals/5m

Shows the number of successful processed proposals in the default-channel in a 5-minute window, displayed for the last hour.

Ledger height

Shows the height of the default-channel's ledger.

Orderer stats

Is consensus leader

Shows whether the orderer node is the consensus leader in the default-channel.

Consensus relation

Shows the relation between the orderer node and the default-channel's consensus group. It could be one of the following: Consenter, Follower, Configuration tracker, Other.

Participation status

Shows the participation status of the orderer node within the default-channel. It could be one of the following: Active, Onboarding, Inactive, Failed.

Ledger height

Shows the height of the default-channel's ledger.

Normal proposals received/5m

Shows the number of proposals that the default-channel has been received for normal type transactions in a 5-minute window, displayed for the last hour.

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