Creating an account
Guide to create an account on SettleMint
Navigate to SettleMint and follow these steps to create an account:
Choose to sign up with Google, Github, Auth0 or with a magic link. Magic links let you sign up and log in without a password. When you provide your email address, you get a magic link sent to your email. Once you click on the link, you will be logged in.
Enter your first and last name, and choose a name for your organization. An organization is the highest level of hierarchy in SettleMint. It's at this level that you create and manage blockchain applications, invite team members to collaborate, and manage billing. You can create as many organizations as you want. Choose a name that is easily recognizable in your dashboards (like your company name, department name, team name, etc.). You can change the name of your organization at any time. More about organizations
Choose a name for your first blockchain application. You may want to choose a name related to what you are building, e.g. track and trace, NFT, data exchange, etc. Names like "my first app" or "test app" are also fine. You can change the name of an application at any time. More about applications
You're all set up now, and ready to start building your first application.
Start by adding a network to your application.