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January 19, 2023

· 2 min read

SettleMint Managed Cloud

New features

  • Otterscan based explorer for Ethereum, Polygon and Binance networks
  • Ability to reassign the user of a Smart Contract set IDE
  • Added a Metadata based Supply Chain smart contract set for EVM based chains
  • Enhanced the default hardhat config generation in the smart contact set IDE for improved customizability


  • CouchDB v3.3.0 (for Fabric nodes)
  • Bor v0.3.3 (for Polygon nodes, includes the upcoming hardfork block)
  • Erigon v2.35.1 (for Polygon nodes, includes the upcoming hardfork block)
  • Besu 22.10.4
  • Hasura 2.17.0

Bugfixes & enhancements

  • Spread JSON-RPC traffic over both Bor and Erigon for Polygon to ensure correct gas prices
  • Much faster and more reliable Graph middleware indexing
  • Speed up greatly the nodes transaction signer
  • Tune Besu and Polygon Edge for more performance during high volume transaction sending
  • Prevent IPFS nodes under high load to out of memory
  • Handle IPFS datastore migrations gracefully
  • Improve handling of batch transactions on the nodes
  • Fix metrics for Polygon Edge nodes
  • Improve peering for BSC Chapel nodes
  • Extended the documentation
  • Performance improvements
  • Assorted bugfixes and improvements


  • Removed the ability to launch new Rinkeby nodes

SettleMint On-Premise

New features

  • Expose more status information of a running (or not running) service


  • Firefly signer v1.1.5
  • Keycloak 20.0.3
  • Reloader 1.0.2
  • Besu 22.10.4
  • Redis 7.0.8


  • Extended the documentation
  • Performance improvements
  • Assorted bugfixes and improvements

December 28, 2022

· One min read

SettleMint Managed Cloud

New features

  • Completely new shared mainnet infrastructure, improving reliability and performance
  • Split traffic for Polygon over Bor and Erigon to ensure correct gas prices.
  • New modal information when deleting services that depend on each other
  • New log viewer

Bugfixes & enhancements

  • Extended the documentation
  • Faucet wallet for Hyperledger Besu and Polygon Edge displayed correctly
  • Downloading files from the IPFS interface now works
  • Performance improvements
  • Assorted bugfixes and improvements

SettleMint On-Premise

New features

  • New modal information when deleting services that depend on each other
  • New log viewer


  • Prometheus v2.41.0


  • Assorted bugfixes and improvements

December 15, 2022

· 2 min read

SettleMint Managed Cloud

New features

  • New documentation site (this one!)
  • Replace observability backend for improved performance and capabilities (more to come)
  • Support the Goerli testnet for Ethereum (Rinkeby is still supported until end of Q1 2023)
  • Firefly Fabconnect v0.9.16 middleware for Hyperledger Fabric
  • Support the Venidium mainnet


  • Polygon Edge v0.6.2
  • Hyperledger Besu v22.10.3
  • Kubo v0.17.0
  • The Graph v0.29.0
  • Hasura v2.16.0
  • Enterprise Ethereum Middleware v3.69.10
  • Hyperledger Fabic v2.4.7

Bugfixes & enhancements

  • Better ensure that services with dependencies are deleted and started in the right order and with the correct concurrency
  • Enhance tracing of paused services for billing purposes
  • Improve reliability of Hyperledger Fabric networks
  • Remove example flows from the Integration Studio
  • Improve reliability of the invitation system for admins in your applications
  • Smart contract sets now use pnpm instead of yarn
  • Performance improvements
  • Assorted bugfixes and improvements

SettleMint On-Premise

New features

  • The Graph v0.29.0
  • New documentation site


  • Redis v7.0.6
  • Hyperledger Besu v22.10.3
  • Firefly Signer v1.1.4
  • Prometheus v2.40.6
  • Kubo v0.17.0


  • Assorted bugfixes and improvements

December 6, 2022

· One min read

The SettleMint platform can now be installed into any infrastructure. SaaS, your own cloud provider, or on-premise. Even airgapped environments are possible.

  • New: On Premise / Self Hosted installation of the platform
  • New: Airgapped installation of the platform
  • Assorted bugfixes

September 27, 2022

· One min read
  • Improved - Expiration dates for API Keys
  • Improved - Resource scaling options for the blockchain explorer Blockscout
  • Several bug fixes and updates of our third party libraries

September 13, 2022

· One min read
  • New - Insights in your transactions on EVM based chains, via the blockchain explorer Blockscout
  • New - Hyperledger Fabric Smart Contract Set IDE now includes scripts for creating custom channels using the Orderer and Peer linked to IDE
  • New - Polygon Edge nodes will deploy using version 0.5.0
  • Improved - Our ETH mainnet nodes are now ETH2 compatible

August 8, 2022

· One min read
  • New - Hyperledger Fabric Network’s details page now has a statistics/metrics section.
  • New - Hyperledger Fabric Orderer/Peer’s details page now has a statistics/metrics section.
  • New - When creating a Smart Contract Set you can choose the Orderer node for Txs validation.
  • Improved - Pausing/Resuming a service now shows a list of resources depending on the service. You will need to pause those dependent services first.

July 12, 2022

· One min read
  • Improved - Fabric Peer/Orderer version 2.4.3. Now the ordering service does not need a system channel, Orderer nodes can join and leave application channels.
  • Improved - Avalanche JSON-RPC tab now includes more ETH methods for the C-chain.
  • Improved - Fabric Peer nodes now connects to the default application channel almost instantly after being deployed. Before it used to take 2-3 minutes.
  • Improved - JSON-RPC tab now has a type-ahead search box. Just type the method name you want to use, no more scrolling and select.
  • New - You can now see the details and balance of the faucet wallet for Besu and Polygon Edge networks.
  • Several bugfixes

June 8, 2022

· One min read
  • New - ERC-721A smart contract template set, providing significant gas savings for minting multiple NFTs in a single transaction.
  • New - Polygon Edge upgrade to v4.4.
  • Improved - Significant performance improvements during peak usage
  • Improved - UI for activated keys on nodes
  • Several bug fixes

March 25, 2022

· One min read
  • New - Full support for Polygon Edge as a permissioned network protocol, offering a modular and extensible framework for building Ethereum-compatible blockchain applications.
  • New – Easily manage your databases with Hasura, a backend-as-a-service solution, which automatically generates GraphQL APIs for your data.
  • New - Sign in with Ethereum. Use your Ethereum wallet to identify yourself and sign in to the SettleMint platform.
  • New - Pause your services, and the resource costs that are associated with keeping the service running, without losing any data.
  • New - Indexing modules for ERC-20, ERC-721, and State Machine based smart contract sets
  • New – Dynamic pricing calculator. Estimate the monthly costs for the services you need to run your blockchain application. Check it out here:
  • Improved – more features for the NFT ERC-721 contracts: merkle tree whitelists, delayed reveals, pre- and public-sale capabilities, minting gas optimizations, and EIP royalty. For the generative art smart contract set, we added a new art engine and provenance hashes.
  • Several UI bug fixes