Building with SettleMint
Connect to a Node
Guide to connecting to blockchain nodes in SettleMint
For an application to interact with a blockchain (e.g. by sending transactions/data to the network, or even just by reading data), it must connect to a node.
To connect to a node, you use an endpoint, which is a URL that enables an API to gain access to the node. You interact with the node by sending requests to, and receiving responses from it via an API.
You can find the endpoints on the node detail page, in the Connect tab, together with node interaction tools with playgrounds for real-time tryouts (e.g. JSON-RPC, GraphQL, etc.).
Connection Methods
- JSON-RPC endpoints
- WebSocket connections
- IPC connections
- GraphQL endpoints
Key Features
- Secure connections
- Multiple protocols
- Authentication support
- Load balanced access
Connection Details
Access Node
Navigate to your node in the application
View Connection Info
Open the Connect tab to find:
- Endpoint URLs
- Authentication tokens
- Connection examples
Connection Examples
Replace your-node-url
and token
with the actual values from your node's
connection details.