Building with SettleMint

Personal Access Tokens

Guide to managing personal access tokens in SettleMint

Personal Access Tokens

Personal access tokens (or Application access tokens) let you connect your SettleMint services with other apps securely. They represent an individual user, and have the same rights as the user's role in the organization (admin or user). They can be used to connect to all services that the user has access to.

Create a personal access token

In the upper right corner of any page, click your profile picture or avatar, and then click Personal access tokens.

Click on the Add a personal access token button, this opens a form where you can create your personal access token.

  1. Choose a name for your personal access token.
  2. Select an expiration date. You cannot update this later.
  3. Click Confirm to create your personal access token.

Copy and save your token securely - you won't see it again. Treat it like a password and keep it secret.

Delete a personal access token

If you are worried that your personal access token has been compromised, or you no longer use the integration for which you had generated a particular personal access token, you can delete that personal access token.

  1. Navigate to the list of your personal access tokens, and find the personal access token you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete next to the personal access token.
  3. Type DELETE to confirm. The personal access token will no longer be usable.

Use a personal access token

You can use these personal access tokens in three ways depending on what works for your use case.

  • As a header, you can use the header x-auth-token: TOKEN.
  • As a query parameter using appended to any URL.
  • As the last part of the URL
    • For IPFS nodes build your uri so it becomes
    • For Avalanche and Fuji build your uri so they look like

Using application access tokens vs personal access tokens

For most use cases, you should use application access tokens. Since they are directly linked to the application, the token continues to work even if the user leaves the organization. They also provide more granular access control.

Personal access tokens are a simpler way to authenticate, but they are linked to the user's account. If the user leaves the organization, the token will no longer work for the services of that organization.

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