HashiCorp Vault Setup
HashiCorp Vault is used for:
- Secrets management
- Encryption key storage
- Secure credentials handling
- Private key management
Deployment Options
- HCP Vault (Recommended)
- Self-Hosted
HashiCorp Cloud Platform Setup
Create Vault Cluster
- Sign up for HashiCorp Cloud
- Choose Development tier (sufficient for most setups)
- Select "Start from Scratch" template
- Pick your preferred region
Configure Secret Engines
- Create KV secret engines:
vault secrets enable -path=ethereum kv-v2
vault secrets enable -path=ipfs kv-v2
vault secrets enable -path=fabric kv-v2
- Create KV secret engines:
Set Up Authentication
- Enable AppRole auth method:
vault auth enable approle
- Create platform policy:
vault policy write btp - <<EOF
path "ethereum/*" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]
path "fabric/*" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]
path "ipfs/*" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]
- Enable AppRole auth method:
Create Platform Role
vault write auth/approle/role/platform-role \
token_ttl=1h \
token_max_ttl=4h \
secret_id_ttl=6h \
policies="btp" -
Generate Credentials
# Get Role ID
vault read auth/approle/role/platform-role/role-id
# Generate Secret ID
vault write -force auth/approle/role/platform-role/secret-id
HCP Vault provides:
- Managed infrastructure
- Automatic updates
- Built-in high availability
- Professional support
Helm Chart Installation
- Install Vault
helm upgrade --install vault vault \
--repo https://helm.releases.hashicorp.com \
--namespace vault \
- Initialize Vault
# Initialize and save keys
kubectl exec vault-0 -n vault -- vault operator init \
-key-shares=1 \
# Unseal Vault (replace with your key)
kubectl exec vault-0 -n vault -- vault operator unseal $VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY
- Configure Vault Follow the same configuration steps as HCP Vault (steps 2-5) after logging in with the root token.
For production:
- Use multiple key shares
- Configure proper storage backend
- Set up high availability
- Implement proper unsealing strategy
Information Collection
Required Values for Platform Installation
- Vault address/endpoint
- Role ID
- Secret ID
- Namespace (if using HCP Vault:
Example Configuration
address: 'https://vault-cluster.hashicorp.cloud:8200'
namespace: 'admin' # Required for HCP Vault
roleId: 'your-role-id'
secretId: 'your-secret-id'
Test your Vault configuration:
# Set environment variables
export VAULT_ADDR="your-vault-address"
export VAULT_NAMESPACE="admin" # For HCP Vault
export VAULT_ROLE_ID="your-role-id"
export VAULT_SECRET_ID="your-secret-id"
# Verify access
vault write auth/approle/login \
role_id=$VAULT_ROLE_ID \
Common issues and solutions:
Authentication Failures
- Verify role ID and secret ID
- Check policy attachments
- Confirm namespace setting
- Validate token TTLs
Connection Issues
- Verify Vault address
- Check network access
- Confirm TLS settings
- Validate namespace (HCP)
Next Steps
- ✅ Set up Vault instance
- ✅ Configure authentication
- ➡️ Proceed to Metrics and Logs Setup
Need Help?
Contact [email protected] if you encounter any issues.