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Install the SettleMint Platform in an Online Environment

You can install the SettleMint Platform on an existing Kubernetes cluster that contains nodes that can access the internet.

During an online installation, the installer pulls container images from the upstream registries directly.

To install on an existing cluster in an online environment, run the following commands from the machine that has access to the cluster.

  1. Install the KOTS CLI plugin:

      curl | bash

    Refer to KOTS CLI for more details on verifying the version of your KOTS plugin as well as for more details on Open Shift command line linkages.

  2. Install the admin console and the SettleMint Platform on the cluster

The command that installs the admin console and the SettleMint Platform on the cluster has the following syntax:

  kubectl kots install <SLUG> <args>

Note in the following commands that the SettleMint Platform application SLUG will be provided to you.

For the online installation the application SLUG is just settlemint-platform:

  kubectl kots install settlemint-platform <args>
  • Install the latest version of the SettleMint Platform:

    If you want to install the latest version, you can run the following command in a terminal:

    kubectl kots install settlemint-platform --wait-duration 20m --ensure-rbac --strict-security-context
  • Install a specific version of the SettleMint Platform:

    With the admin console v1.67.0 and later, you can install a specific version of the SettleMint Platfrom.

    • Use the app-version-label argument and the version label for a particular version of your vendor's application.

      kubectl kots install settlemint-platform --wait-duration 20m --ensure-rbac --strict-security-context --app-version-label=VERSION_LABEL


    • VERSION_LABEL with the label for the version of the application to install. For example, --app-version-label=3.0.1.

    • When prompted by the kots install command: 1. Provide the namespace where you want to deploy the application and the admin console. 2. Create a new password for logging in to the admin console.

  • Example:

    $ kubectl kots install settlemint-platform
    Enter the namespace to deploy to: settlemint-demo
    • Deploying Admin Console
    • Creating namespace ✓
    • Waiting for datastore to be ready ✓
    Enter a new password to be used for the Admin Console: ••••••••
    • Waiting for Admin Console to be ready ✓
    • Press Ctrl+C to exit
    • Go to http://localhost:8800 to access the Admin Console

After the kots install command installed the admin console and the application on the cluster, it creates a port forward to the admin console. The admin console is exposed internally on the cluster and can only be accessed using a port forward.

Log in to the admin console to complete the application setup, run preflight checks, and deploy. See Completing Application Setup and Deploying.