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Installation Requirements

This topic describes the requirements for installing the SettleMint Platform.

Supported Browsers

The following table lists the browser requirements for the latest admin console.

Internet ExplorerUnsupported

Kubernetes Version Compatibility

Each release of the SettleMint Platform maintains compatibility with the current Kubernetes and OpenShift version, and the two most recent versions at the time of its release. This includes support against all patch releases of the corresponding Kubernetes version.

KOTS VersionsKubernetes CompatibilityOpenShift Compatibility
v1.78 and laterv1.26 and laterv4.8 or later

Minimum System Requirements

This section describes the minimum system requirements for installing the admin console on an existing cluster or on an embedded cluster created by the Kubernetes installer.

Existing Cluster Requirements

To install the admin console on an existing cluster, the cluster must meet the following requirements:

  • Admin console minimum requirements: The admin console requires a minimum of 5 GB of disk space on the cluster. This includes 4 GB for the object store PersistentVolume and 1 GB for the PostgreSQL PersistentVolume.

    • LimitRanges: The admin console pod requests 50m CPU resources and 50 Mi memory. Existing clusters that have LimitRanges specified must support these values.
  • Kubernetes version compatibility: The version of Kubernetes running on the cluster must be compatible with the version of the platform.

    For more information about the versions of Kubernetes that are compatible with each version, see Kubernetes Version Compatibility above.

  • OpenShift version compatibility: For Red Hat OpenShift clusters, the version of OpenShift must use a supported Kubernetes version. For more information about supported OpenShift versions, see Kubernetes Version Compatibility above.

  • Storage class: The cluster must have a default storage class available. To enable volume scaling VolumeExpansion needs to be enabled. For more information, see Storage Classes in the Kubernetes documentation.

  • Role-based access control (RBAC): SettleMint requires the following RBAC permissions on the cluster:

    • An existing namespace and an RBAC binding that permits the user of the kubectl command-line tool to create workloads.
    • cluster-admin permissions to create namespaces and assign RBAC roles across the cluster.

    If your environment does not allow you to create cluster level objects, add the --use-minimal-rbac flag to the kots install command.

Kubernetes Installer Cluster Requirements

To install the admin console on an embedded cluster created by the Kubernetes installer, your environment must meet the following requirements:

  • 4 CPUs or equivalent per machine.
  • 8 GB of RAM per machine.
  • 40 GB of disk space per machine.
  • TCP ports 2379, 2380, 6443, 6783, 10250, 10251, and 10252 open between cluster nodes.
  • UDP ports 6783 and 6784 open between cluster nodes.
  • The Kubernetes installer is based on the open source kURL project. You must meet the additional requirements of the kURL project to use the Kubernetes installer. See System Requirements in the kURL open source documentation.
  • Root access is required.

Once all requirements are checked off, please proceed to Step 2 - Airgap if you wish to install on an airgapped cluster or Step 2 - Online for the online installation.