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Deploying a smart contract

You can deploy your contracts to a network in the platform or a hardhat network running locally in the IDE.

The typical folder structure of SettleMint's smart contract set will include:

  • contracts/: Contains the Solidity smart contracts for the project.
  • test/: Houses the Solidity tests, written to verify the functionality of the smart contracts.
    • The test folder can contain both Hardhat tests written in TypeScript, and Foundry tests written in Solidity.
  • script/: Includes scripts for deploying or interacting with the contracts post-deployment.
  • lib/: Optional directory for Solidity libraries or external dependencies.
  • ignitions/: A folder containing the ignitions for Hardhat deployment.
  • out/: Generated directory where compilation artifacts (like ABI and binary) are stored.
  • foundry.toml: Configuration file for Foundry, where you can set global settings and parameters.
  • hardhat.config: Hardhat configuration file.
  • subgraphs: Contains the indexing logic for your subgraphs, specific to your smart contract.

The smart contract sets include all the commands you need to compile and deploy your contracts. They are available as tasks in the Task Manager. Follow these steps to access the Task Manager:

Step 1: Open the IDE

Open IDE

Step 2: Click on the Task Manager button

Task Manager


You need to compile your contracts before you can deploy them. SettleMint's smart contract sets include both Hardhat and Foundry. You can compile using your preferred framework.


To compile your contracts using Hardhat, you can run the Hardhat - Build task

Hardhat compile task manager


To compile your contracts using Foundry, you can run the Foundry - Build task

Foundry compile task manager

Deploy to a network in the platform

You can deploy your contracts to a network in the same application as the smart contract set by running the Hardhat - Deploy to platform network task


Ensure you have the following:

  • A running node in the network
  • A private key activated on the node


Step 1: Log in to the platform by running the SettleMint - Login task

SettleMint login

Step 2: Run the Hardhat - Deploy to platform network task

Hardhat deploy remote task manager

Step 3: Select the node you want to deploy to

Hardhat deploy remote select node

Step 4: Select the private key you want to use for the deployment

Hardhat deploy remote select private key

Step 5: Confirm the deployment

Hardhat deploy remote success

Deploy to a local network


Step 1: Start the local hardhat network by running the Hardhat - Start local network task

Hardhat start local network

Step 2: Then, run the Hardhat - Deploy to local network task. Ensure you don't stop the previous task, because the hardhat network needs to be running for the contract to be deployed on it.

Hardhat deploy local network

Success! The contract has been deployed to the local network.

Hardhat deploy local network success