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Deploying a Smart Contract with Foundry

Deploying a smart contract in SettleMint won't be much different from doing so in your own environment.

There are two main ways to deploy smart contracts in SettleMint: you can either run the commands manually in your terminal or use the Task Manager.

The typical folder structure of SettleMint's smart contract set will include:

  • contracts/: Contains the Solidity smart contracts for the project.
  • test/: Houses the Solidity tests, written to verify the functionality of the smart contracts.
    • The test folder can contain both Hardhat tests written in TypeScript, and Foundry tests written in Solidity.
  • script/: Includes scripts for deploying or interacting with the contracts post-deployment.
  • lib/: Optional directory for Solidity libraries or external dependencies.
  • ignitions/: A folder containing the ignitions for Hardhat deployment.
  • out/: Generated directory where compilation artifacts (like ABI and binary) are stored.
  • foundry.toml: Configuration file for Foundry, where you can set global settings and parameters.
  • hardhat.config: Hardhat configuration file.
  • subgraphs: Contains the indexing logic for your subgraphs, specific to your smart contract.

Deploy with Task Manager

Follow these steps to deploy a contract using the Task Manager:

  1. Click View in Fullscreen Mode for a better user experience :) Fresh IDE

  2. Navigate to the Task Manager. Task Manager

  3. Click Foundry - Build or Hardhat - Build to compile the Smart Contract. Press Build

  4. Then run Hardhat - Deploy to local network to deploy locally or Hardhat - Deploy to platform network to deploy to your connected network. Press Deploy

Great job! Your contract has been successfully deployed.

Deploy with the Terminal

Follow these steps to deploy a contract using the terminal:

  1. Open the terminal. Open Terminal

  2. Run the command forge build or Hardhat compile to compile the smart contracts. Build Terminal

  3. Then run npx hardhat ignition deploy IGNITION_MODULE_PATH or forge create --rpc-url YOUR_RPC_URL --private-key YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY --constructor-args ARG1 ARG2` to deploy to your connected network. Deploy Terminal

Well done! You've successfully deployed your contract.