For any dApp to provide good UX, you need a solution that quickly loads the data stored on chain and on IPFS. Querying data directly from blockchain is complex. This is where the middleware comes in, which is essentially a layer in between blockchain and your dApp, allowing you to index and query your blockchain data easily and efficiently.
SettleMint offers two Middleware solutions: The Graph Middleware (for all EVM-compatible chains) and Smart Contract Portal Middleware.
Adding a middleware
Before adding a middleware make sure that you have a blockchain node running.
Navigate to the application where you want to add a middleware. Click Middleware in the left navigation, and then click Add a middleware. This opens a form.
Follow these steps to add the middleware:
- Choose Graph Middleware or Smart Contract Portal Middleware
- Choose a Middleware name. Choose one that will be easily recognizable in your dashboards.
- Select the blockchain node you want to connect to. This is the blockchain node that will be used to index the blockchain data.
- Choose a deployment plan. Select the type, cloud provider, region and resource pack. More about deployment plans.
- You see the resource cost for this middleware displayed at the bottom of the form. Click Confirm to add the smart contract set.
When the middleware is deployed, click it from the list and start using it.
The Graph Middleware
The Graph is a protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data from networks. It can be used with all EVM-compatible chains like Ethereum, Hyperledger Besu, Polygon, Avalanche, etc. You can run it on your own blockchain nodes (both public and permissioned).
Using the Graph protocol, you can create subgraphs that define which blockchain data will be indexed. The middleware will then use these subgraphs to correctly index your smart contracts and expose a developer-friendly and efficient GraphQL API, allowing you to query the data you need.
We have some prebuilt subgraph indexing modules included in the smart contract set, and you can build your own modules if you have a custom smart contract set.
Before you start, make sure you are running:
- An EVM-compatible network (Ethereum, Polygon, Hyperledger Besu, Avalanche, etc.)
When the middleware is deployed, follow these steps to start using it:
Define and deploy a subgraph
Navigate to the smart contract set which you want to index, go the details and open the IDE. Here you will define the subgraph to set the indexing specifications, and deploy it so it can be loaded into the middleware. There are instructions included in the IDE to help you.
Subgraph raw configuration
Inside the root you will find a file called subgraph.config.json
that contains the raw configuration of the subgraph. The important section is the datasources section.
- Name - here we defined the smart contracts with their name (the name of the artifact created in the 'deployments' folder when running the deploy task)
- Address & Startblock - You will notice the startblock and address to be 0. You must fill these in when your contract has been deployed. The block number and the address can be found in the deployment folder, under ignition.
- Module - In the modules array all the indexing modules to activate for this smart contract.
About the indexing modules
We provide two libraries of indexing modules: one by the OpenZeppelin team for all the common smart contracts in their smart contract library, and one by the SettleMint team to extend the capabilities of the OpenZeppelin one, and to provide indexing of the specific SettleMint smart contract sets.
The OpenZeppelin set contains the following indexing modules:
- accesscontrol
- erc1155
- erc1967upgrade
- erc20
- erc721
- governor
- ownable
- pausable
- timelock
- voting
The SettleMint set contains the following indexing modules:
- erc721ipfs: to extend the ERC-721 from OpenZeppelin to index IPFS metadata of your ERC-721 tokens
- crowdsale/vestingvault/vestingwallet: to index and expose all the data for the crowdsale contract set
- forwarder: for the ERC-20 Meta transactions forwarder data
- statemachinemetadata: to index IPFS metadata for state machines
These are available in the subgraph
folder in your IDE. You can create your own modules for any other data you want to index, or for custom smart contracts not part of the default sets. And you can modify the existing ones if you want to index things a bit different.
Write your own indexing module
You can also write your own custom indexing module for smart contracts that are not part of the default sets.
Follow these steps to create a custom indexing module:
- Primitives to generate a GraphQL schema:
- In order to allow composability, the schema are not defined in the GraphQL format but rather in a dedicated JSON format which is can be assembled and compiled to GraphQL. - Template to generate a subgraph manifest:
- This file lists all the events that the datasources should listen to, and links that to the corresponding indexing logic. - Indexing logic:
and (optionally)subgraph/fetch/x.ts
- This is the core logic that processes the events to index the onchain activity.
To learn more, check it out on Github.
Start your subgraph
The following tasks need to be run in this sequence:
btp-scs subgraph codegen
- Generates the AssemblyScript types for your contracts ABI.btp-scs subgraph build
- Compiles the WASM files based on the outputs generated bybtp-scs subgraph codegen
.btp-scs subgraph deploy
- Deploys the WASM files to IPFS and updates the middleware to start or update the indexing.
The indexing of your smart contracts has now started. This can take a while, but once done you can query the middleware for your data in seconds using the GraphQL API. You can find the endpoint in the Connect-tab.
The Smart Contract Portal Middleware
The Smart Contract Portal is a middleware which creates an easy to use api on top of your smart contracts. It can be used with all EVM-compatible chains like Ethereum, Hyperledger Besu, Polygon, Avalanche, etc. You can run it on your own blockchain nodes (both public and permissioned) or on a Load Balancer.
Benefits of using the smart contract portal:
- Simplified Integration: APIs allow developers to interact with complex smart contract functions through familiar interfaces, reducing the need to understand blockchain-specific languages and protocols.
- Data Aggregation: APIs can consolidate data from multiple smart contracts, providing a unified view.
- Improved Performance: GraphQL optimizes data fetching, ensuring that clients retrieve only the necessary data in a single request, reducing network load and improving performance.
- Stack agnostic: Teams are free to choose their own technology stack.
Before you start, make sure you are running:
- An EVM-compatible network (Ethereum, Polygon, Hyperledger Besu, Avalanche, etc.)
- A Private Key
Upload an ABI
A smart contract ABI (Application Binary Interface) is a standardized way for interacting with smart contracts in the Ethereum blockchain and other compatible systems. It serves as the bridge between human-readable contract code (written in languages like Solidity) and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which executes the contract. The ABI specifies the functions that can be called on the contract, including their names, input parameters, and output types.
When deploying a smart contract the ABI file can be found as part of the artificats. See Deploying the Smart Contract. Download the ABI json files and save them on your local filesystem.
When creating a new middleware you'll need to upload at least one ABI.
To update the ABIs of an existing smart contract portal middleware navigate to the middleware, go the details and click on the 'Manage Middleware' button on the top right. Click on the 'Update ABIs' item and a dialog will open. In this dialog upload the ABI file(s) you saved on your local filesystem in the previous step.
A fully typed REST api with documentation is created out of the Smart Contract ABI, you can discover all its endpoints on the REST tab. To see examples in your technology of choice use the dropdown in the example section on the right.
The GraphQL api exposes the same functionality as the REST api, you can discover it on the GraphQL tab.
On the Webhooks tab you can register your own webhook. The portal will send events to this webhook when a transaction is processed.
When sending a message the event will have a signature which allows the receiver to validate if the event has not been tampered with.
The secret to validate the signature can be copied from the details page of your webhook.
Standard Webhooks has built SDKs and useful tools using different programming languages that make it easy to start using webhooks.
An example using Typescript, Elysia and standard webhooks.
import { Elysia, t } from 'elysia';
import { Webhook } from 'standardwebhooks';
async function webhookConsumerBootstrap(secret: string) {
const webhookConsumer = new Elysia().post(
({ headers, body }) => {
try {
const wh = new Webhook(btoa(secret));
const verifiedPayload = wh.verify(JSON.stringify(body.payload), {
'webhook-id': headers['btp-portal-event-id']!,
'webhook-signature': headers['btp-portal-event-signature']!,
'webhook-timestamp': headers['btp-portal-event-timestamp']!
`Received a webhook event: ${JSON.stringify(verifiedPayload)}`
} catch (err) {
console.error('Webhook payload invalid', err);
throw err;
body: t.Object({
payload: t.Object({
apiVersion: t.String(),
eventId: t.String(),
eventName: t.String(),
timestamp: t.Number(),
data: t.Any()
const app = new Elysia().use(webhookConsumer).onStart(({ server }) => {
`Started the test webhook consumer on ${server?.url.toString()}`
return app;
.then(app => app.listen(process.env.PORT || 5555))
.catch((error: Error) => {
console.error('Failed to start webhook consumer', error);
The websocket endpoint exposes functionality to get real time updates on processed transactions.
The url can be copied from the Connect tab.
import type { TransactionReceipt } from 'viem';
// Should include an api key (eg wss://smart-contract-portal-middleware.settlemint.com/sm_pat_.../ws)
const webSocketHost = process.env.WS_URL!;
* Wait for the transaction receipt
* @param transactionHash hash
* @returns transaction receipt
export async function waitForTransactionReceipt(transactionHash: string) {
const webSocket = new WebSocket(webSocketHost);
return new Promise<TransactionReceipt>((resolve, reject) => {
let isResolved = false;
webSocket.onmessage = event => {
isResolved = true;
const receiptJson = JSON.parse(event.data) as TransactionReceipt;
webSocket.onerror = reject;
webSocket.onclose = () => {
if (!isResolved) {
reject(new Error('Nothing received from the WebSocket'));
if (webSocket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
webSocket.send(JSON.stringify({ transactionHash }));
} else if (webSocket.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING) {
webSocket.onopen = () => {
webSocket.send(JSON.stringify({ transactionHash }));
} else {
new Error(`No connection to the WebSocket: ${webSocket.readyState}`)
Transactions api
The portal exposes some general purpose APIs for transactions. This could be used for example to display transactions which are pending or processed in your UI. Both REST and GraphQL offer this functionality.
Attestation Indexer
The Attestation Indexer is a powerful tool that allows you to index and search attestations in a highly efficient manner. It provides a simple and intuitive GraphQL API for querying attestations based on various parameters such as the attestation type, the subject, the issuer, and more.
When setting up a new middleware, you'll need to adjust the Attestation Indexer based on your requirements. For permissioned chains, this involves deploying your own attestation and schema registry contracts and inputting the appropriate addresses. For public chains, the addresses will be pre-filled with publicly available ones if they exist, but you can modify them to different addresses if necessary.
The Attestation Indexer's GraphQL API provides the capability to execute intricate queries on attestations. It allows for filtering based on attributes such as type, issuer, and subject, enabling the retrieval of specific attestations or sets of attestations that satisfy particular conditions.
Firefly FabConnect
Firefly FabConnect is an open-source middleware that lets you interact with your Fabric network and the chaincode deployed on it. When you add the FabConnect middleware to your application on the SettleMint Platform, you automatically deploy a RESTful API to:
- Manage identities on your network.
- Send transactions to your chaincode.
- Check any transaction receipt.
- Create event streams and subscriptions.
Before you start, make sure you are running:
- A Fabric peer node
- A Fabric orderer node
For the curl commands below, you will need to replace your-token
with an access token. You can create an Application Access Token scoped to the middleware, peer and orderer node, or use a Personal Access Token. For more information on how to create an access token, please see our access token documentation.
Manage Identities
Identities on a Fabric network are managed in two steps. First, a CA admin must register users. This is a process in which the CA admin gives an ID and secret to an identity. Then, the user of the identity enrolls the ID and secret pair to get a public/private key pair to sign transactions.
Registering an identity can be done as follows using Firefly FabConnect:
curl --request POST \
--url https://example.settlemint.com/identities \
--header 'x-auth: <your-token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"type": "client",
"name": "user3",
"attributes": {}
This request returns the secret associated with name user3:
"name": "user3",
"secret": "fkrTKPOZZYWO"
The end user of that identity can enroll it as follows:
curl --request POST \
--url https://example.settlemint.com/identities/user3/enroll \
--header 'x-auth: <your-token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"secret": "fkrTKPOZZYWO"
"attributes": {}
Sending Transactions
Assuming that you have a chaincode deployed on your network, you can send a transaction through the middleware:
curl --request POST \
--url https://example.settlemint.com//transactions \
--header 'x-auth: <your-token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"headers": {
"type": "SendTransaction",
"signer": "user3",
"channel": "default-channel",
"chaincode": "assetTransfer"
"func": "CreateAsset",
"args": [
"asset01", "blue", "5", "Alice", "500"
"init": false, "fly-sync": true
This transaction creates an asset in the assetTransfer chaincode deployed on the Fabric network.
Create Event Streams
Firefly FabConnect can also be used to stream events happening on your network. You can either use webhook or websocket to deliver the data.
This request create a stream using webhooks:
curl --request POST \
--url https://example.settlemint.com/eventstreams \
--header 'x-auth: <your-token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"type": "webhook",
"name": "AssetTransfer",
"webhook": {
"url": "<https://myAssets.com/assetTransfer>",
"tlsSkipVerifyHost": "true"
The response contains an event stream ID that is required to create a subscription:
curl --request POST \
--url https://example.settlemint.com//subscriptions \
--header 'x-auth: <your-token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"payloadType": "string",
"name": "mySubscription",
"channel": "default-channel",
"signer": "user3",
"fromBlock": "0",
"stream": "es-92183185-01e3-4bc9-5433-348a640f5fe1",
"filter": {
"blockType": "tx",
"chaincodeId": "",
"eventFilter": ""